Discovering Graffiti

Typography Project
Full Book
summer 2016

Summer 2016 I studied abroad in Berlin, Germany. During my time there I was given the project to study a form that is unique to Berlin, and I chose graffiti. Though you find graffiti all over the world, in Berlin graffiti is taken to a new level. I decided to focus my studies on comparing and contrasting graffiti and typography in a book that I named Discovering Graffiti, A Typographer's Field Notes. I also made a poster that summarizes my research in a humorous visual.


For this poster I imagined how a Typographer would look at a wall of graffiti and critique it compared to the standards of successful typography. I think the poster helps synthesize my project by pointing out how different forms of typographic communications can have very different standards.


For the book I broke down comparing graffiti and typography into 4 sections - Form, Feature, Artifact, and System. The full book can be viewed here, and I have included the Form section below. In the form section I focused on texture, movement, and line.

Each spread of the book follows the same grid, as well as overall format. The title, definition, and explanation of the section are always on the left, and the image comparisons are always on the right.
Typeset in EB Garamound and Karla