The Avenue
september 2016 - may 2017
september 2016 - may 2017
As Editor-in-Chief, I developed an overall theme, and brainstormed 15+ corresponding articles concepts that allow the theme to shine through. I managed a team of 3 editors, 20+ writers, and 20+ photographers who create the content for the magazine. I also lent a hand in the design and creative direction, because as a design student I put a lot of value on the visual nature of the magazine. I was EIC of 6 issues of The Avenue, which can be seen below.
Art Direction
Before I was Editor-in-Chief, I was art director for one issue, where I planned and executed two photo shoots. The photos below were in our International Issue, which highlighted fashion trends from around the world. This photo shoot focused on Middle Eastern fashion.

Typeset in EB Garamound and Karla